On January 15 Doug Ford was seen at a press conference sporting a hat with the phrase “Canada is not for sale”, which was met with mostly positive responses, as people praised him for taking a stand against Trump’s proposed Canadian tariffs. However, the irony of this hat was not lost on others. Ford’s hat might say “Canada is not for sale”, but his record shows that under his watch Ontario sure is. Ford is trying to use this moment to make people forget about his extensive history of corruption and scandals.
Open for business
When Doug Ford was running for Premier in 2018, he was caught on video promising he would open up the Greenbelt. After the video leaked he made the promise that he would not modify the Greenbelt and said he had changed his position. However, in November 2022 just months after being re-elected, Ford announced that he would be carving land out of the Greenbelt to allow for housing development. He claimed he was doing this to help Ontario’s housing crisis. Instead of offering to invest in more affordable housing or reintroducing the rent control he removed, Ford had decided selling the Greenbelt to developers was the best solution in helping the housing crisis.
It was revealed that some developers who were pushing for more development and are friends of Ford, attended Ford’s daughter’s $150 a ticket stag-and-doe and later her wedding. In August of 2023 a report was released that showed that the majority of the sites removed from the Greenbelt were suggested by the Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister’s chief of staff. The chief of staff had connections to developers, including receiving packages from them on how they could develop the Greenbelt. After this and further information came out about developers connections to Ford and the Greenbelt, Ford ultimately backtracked his decision.
In 2023 Ford announced a plan to redevelop Ontario Place. As of December 2024 the cost of the government’s redevelopment had become more than $1.8 billion. It was also found that the process for selecting new tenants for Ontario Place was not transparent or fair according to the province’s auditor general. It was found that government officials selectively communicated with representatives from companies bidding on the redevelopment, and also failed to meet best practices for this type of developer project. Part of this plan to redevelop includes a large wellness centre and spa operated by Therme Canada. Therme Canada has been given a 95-year lease to build and operate, which was met with controversy due to the length of the lease. The lease also requires the government to build 1800 parking spaces.
Doing the bidding of big business
In September 2024 Ford made the push to get beer and wine into convenience stores and other retailers. This was already planned for 2026, however Ford decided to make the move just over a year early. By doing this he cost taxpayers millions of dollars, all to give more profits to large corporations. The government had to make a one time $225 million payout to The Beer Store for revoking its exclusive right to sell 12 and 24 packs of beer. However, that is not the only cost associated with this decision, the province could end up spending more than $1 billion. The government is giving private-sector retailers a wholesale discount of 10 percent off the LCBO’s basic retail price, giving more than 8,000 grocery and convenience stores the right to sell beer, wine, cider and other beverages at lower prices than the LCBO. All of this removes revenue from the LCBO and puts profit in the pockets of companies like Loblaws.
It isn’t just the Greenbelt, Ontario Place or the privatization of the LCBO. From the redevelopment of Niagara to the Long-Term Care companies Ford’s time in office has been marked by a steady stream of news about how developers and corporate lobbyists have helped shape government policies. When Ford came to power he said Ontario was open for business. He wasn’t lying, he has consistently used his power to enrich his big business friends.
Ford has always shown us who he is, do not be fooled by his new messaging. He is willing to sell out to his developer friends and corporations. He may be saying Canada is not for sale, but the reality is Ontario has already been sold time and time again.
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