Join Spring on Sunday, February 25 at 5:00 pm ET / 2:00pm PT / 6:00pm AT for a conversation with Benoit Renaud, a Québec education worker and socialist, about lessons we can learn from the Québec labour movement.
In November and December, over half a million workers in Québec went on strike for 11 days to defend decent wages and public services.
This was the largest strike in Québec’s history. They have won a tentative agreement that includes wage increases of more than 17% over 5 years with a 6% increase in the first year, retroactive to April 1, 2023. They also won a number of important provisions to improve working conditions and the quality of public services.
Votes on the tentative agreement will continue until February 19, and the Front commun has said strikes will resume if the deal is rejected.
To register, please click here. Please email with any questions.